Drednot.io Wiki



The Cannon is a weapon controlled by the helm that replaced the RC Turret Starter Packaged RC Turret. Once you insert Ammo into this Turret Turret, you can get it out by pressing Q while controlling turret, switch Ammo or Wrench Wrench it, but you can't left click and dispense it back out.

The RC Turret Starter Packaged RC Turret and Turret Cannon's max Ammo capacity is 16. The Turret Cannon is mainly used in your early hours of Dredark.io and as you progress they could eventually have been replaced with more specialized Cannons like Acute Cannons, Obtuse Cannons, Machine Cannons, and Burst Cannons.

You can't recycle it with Recycler.

The texture shown in the infobox has been updated in-game.


Cannons can be used to damage bots and other players.

Starter ships come with two special "Starter Cannons" which can't be ejected. These replaced regular cannons on starter ships when players made many extra ships and ejected the cannons to themselves.


Several types of bots including the Orange Fool have a chance of dropping cannons when they die.

Cannons can also be obtained by trading or looting critical Spaceships.

All Turrets and Ammo
Turret Packaged Auto Turret Auto TurretTurret burst packed Burst TurretRC Turret Starter Packaged RC TurretTurret Turret
Ammo Ammo standard Standard AmmoAmmo scattershot ScatterShot AmmoAmmo flak Flak AmmoAmmo sniper Sniper AmmoAmmo punch Punch AmmoAmmo yank Yank AmmoAmmo slug Slug AmmoAmmo trash Trash Ammo
All Buildables
Helm wheel HelmComms packed Comms StationSign SignSpawn Spawn PointDoor packed DoorItem Hatch All Cargo HatchCargo Ejector Cargo EjectorController packaged Turret ControllerTurret TurretRC Turret Starter Packaged RC TurretTurret burst packed Burst TurretPackaged Auto Turret Auto TurretThruster ThrusterBlock BlockLadder LadderWalkway WalkwayItem net Item NetRamp Block Ramp BlockColored Panel PaintIce-Glass BlockHyper Rubber Block Hyper Rubber BlockExpando box Expando BoxFreeport Anchor Freeport AnchorPusher PusherLoader LoaderRecycler icon RecyclerFab starter icon Starter FabricatorFab munitions icon Munitions FabricatorFab machine icon Machine FabricatorFab engineering icon Engineering FabricatorFab equipment icon Equipment FabricatorFab legacy icon Legacy FabricatorItem Launcher Packaged Item Launcher