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Cargo hatch

The Cargo Hatch is a Buildable that dispenses items picked up from Loot Crates dropped by Spaceships. If an item is blocking the Cargo hatch Cargo Hatch, it will not dispense any items from that hatch. If all are blocked, you won't be able to pick up Loot Crates at all.

Cargo hatch Cargo Hatches use a filter system which can whitelist/blacklist selected items, or completely disable the Cargo hatch Cargo Hatch from dispensing any items.

The ability to reclaim Starter Items from the ship settings menu was added in the 12 February 2022 update.

Filter Modes / Explanation[]

Cargo hatch Cargo Hatches can be set to 1 of 4 different filter modes.

When a selected filter mode is chosen, it'll also change the Cargo Hatch's patch color.

Green Filter Cargo Hatch
  • Green Filter Cargo Hatch Allow All Items = (All items can be dispensed from the Cargo Hatch.)
Yellow Filter Cargo Hatch
  • Yellow Filter Cargo Hatch Block Filter Only = (Blocks the selected filtered items. All other items can be picked up.)
Orange Filter Cargo Hatch
  • Orange Filter Cargo Hatch Allow Filter Only = (Picks up only the selected filtered items. All other items will be blocked.)
Red Filter Cargo Hatch
  • Red Filter Cargo Hatch Block All Items = (Ignores the filter and blocks ALL items.)

All Buildables
Helm wheel HelmComms packed Comms StationSign SignSpawn Spawn PointDoor packed DoorItem Hatch All Cargo HatchCargo Ejector Cargo EjectorController packaged Turret ControllerTurret TurretRC Turret Starter Packaged RC TurretTurret burst packed Burst TurretPackaged Auto Turret Auto TurretThruster ThrusterBlock BlockLadder LadderWalkway WalkwayItem net Item NetRamp Block Ramp BlockColored Panel PaintIce-Glass BlockHyper Rubber Block Hyper Rubber BlockExpando box Expando BoxFreeport Anchor Freeport AnchorPusher PusherLoader LoaderRecycler icon RecyclerFab starter icon Starter FabricatorFab munitions icon Munitions FabricatorFab machine icon Machine FabricatorFab engineering icon Engineering FabricatorFab equipment icon Equipment FabricatorFab legacy icon Legacy FabricatorItem Launcher Packaged Item Launcher