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Helm Packaged


The Helm Packaged Helm is used to control the Spaceship. Left-click on the Helm Packaged Helm to start flying your ship, and aim and fire every deployed RC Turret Starter Packaged RC Turret on your Spaceship.

Keep in mind that you have to manually reload your Turrets, unless you use Loader Loaders to automatically reload the Turrets. It is better to have a trusted crew to help reload your turrets. The Helm Packaged Helm cannot control regular Turret Turrets, Turret burst packed Burst Turrets, and Packaged Auto Turret Auto Turrets.


This item can only be crafted at a Fab machine icon Machine Fabricator. When starting a new team / Spaceship, you will start with 1 Starter Helm.


  • You can use a Wrench Wrench to deconstruct the Helm Packaged Helm back into an item, so that you can deploy it somewhere else on your Spaceship.


  • In the past, the Helm Packaged Helm functioned as a Spawn Spawn Point for all players.
  • The ability to reclaim Starter Items from the ship settings menu was added in the 12 February 2022 update.


  • The Helm is actually off-centre by a few pixels. When you use the Helm, the centre of the wheel is displaced to the left of your cursor when you place it.
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