Drednot.io Wiki

Smooth Glass Block

Glass Block

Hyper Ice Blocks are buildable and can be placed to make slippery platforms, walls/windows, and etc.

When walking on Smooth Glass Block Hyper Ice Blocks, your walk speed increases due to it being slippery, and can have a slight slide when you try to stop. Items are effected as well, they will slide. Smooth Glass Block Hyper Ice Blocks blocks items and players, but not pusher's beam, so it can be used in mechanisms.


A usage example would be using the Smooth Glass Block Hyper Ice Blocks as a floor to increase walk speed around your Spaceship. Another usage example would be using these blocks as a window for your Spaceship.

Other usages:

  • Building windows.
  • Item sliding.
  • Making parkour.


Holding down the R key allows you to customize the block type to fit your needs.

Screenshot 2021-04-02 4.00.31 AM (1)
